
We have a dynamic work force that is pushing the frontiers of the work of the gospel in this ministry. You are invited to join us as we receive you, train you and get you committed to the work of the Lord.

Prayer Band

We are a praying church and we believe strongly in the ministry of prayer (Acts 6v4) But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. We believe that nothing good happens without the power of prayer. We have a team of dedicated praying people lifting up God’s servants and the ministry in prayer. You can join them today and be a prayer support for God’s kingdom.

Divine Voices

John 4v23: But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. We believe in worshipping God as a ministry. We believe in good music, we believe in training our people to bow to the Lordship of Jesus. We believe that our minstrels lead us into the presence of God Almighty. We have a dynamic choir who always lead us in deep worship and extravagant praise. You can prayerfully join this team. We have people who are ready to receive you.


We believe in order, organization and decorum. 1Cor 14v40 Let all things be done decently and in order. Our ushers are polite, well trained and available to help. You are free to prayerfully join our ushering team today.


We have a great technical team with special attention to details. They help us in the area of sound engineering and all that pertains to the technical aspect of the ministry. Under this department also are the maintenance team that help with monitoring of our generator, Lights and equipments. Prayerfully feel free to join this department.


We believe in the evolution of technology and how it impacts on Christianity today. Meet our team of experts that turns our worship service/time to an awesome time in Gods presence with the use of new media. Feel free to sign up with our multi-media team if you have passion in media.

Divne Men Fellowship

Divine men Fellowship is a dynamic fellowship that allows the men of our ministry to pray, worship God and study the Bible together. Its a place of networking and sharing of godly ideas. If you are a man, kindly feel free to join the men Fellowship today.

Divne Women Fellowship

Divine Women Fellowship is a dynamic fellowship that allows the women of our ministry to pray, worship God and study the Bible together. Its a place of networking and sharing of godly ideas. If you are a woman, Kindly feel free to join the women Fellowship today.

Chidren Department

Matt 19v14: Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. We are a futuristic ministry; we know that our children are -The Future. We ensure our children are taught of the Lord. The team responsible for this profound achievement are driven with passion for this age group and are well trained to handle the behavioral differences in children, tailoring their experiences for Gods glory. Prayerfully join this team if interested.


We do not ignore aesthetics just like the great Artist himself- God. We have a team of persons thick and rich with creativity. We know colors create ambience and add to a great worship experience. Please join up if you enjoy making spaces beautiful.


We don’t take your choice to worship with us for granted. For every time you show up, we welcome you! Hence, we have a team of young and vibrant individuals that welcome and follow up with our new members. You can be sure we would reach out to our first timers, making them feel loved, accepted and appreciated. Please we would love to have you here.

The Apocalypse

The drama team of our ministry is known as The Apocalypse. We strongly believe that the revelation of the word can be passed across in contemporary and creative ways. If you have been called into this ministry, please feel free to contact us so as to bless the body of Christ.

Sanctuary keepers

We are very aware of the benefits of being in an hygienic environment and how it affects our general wellbeing. In the wake of the global health crisis, we ensure a high level of cleanliness. We have a team of wonderful people executing this service day after day in the church premises. We would love to have you in this team.


Listen to Fire Prayer


Listen to Hallelujah


Join our Bus Service
